Casey Rodriguez, Manager, Leadership Programs
Our highly competitive professional development programs recognize and support up-and-coming young leaders, provide leadership development skills, and offer insight into issues impacting the region.
The YP Advisory Council, chaired by Victoria Ambrosio of Bank of Texas, supports and advises the DRC in developing programs and events designed to accelerate the growth and leadership of the business community’s young professionals.
The 2021 council is excited for a year of exceptional programming, which will focus on leadership development, public policy, and community engagement.
LEAD YP is a six-month leadership development program designed to help young professionals gain a better understanding of their personal leadership styles, and gain new insight on leading and inspiring others throughout their careers. Congratulations to the year’s class selections, which will begin the program this month.
Developing and retaining top talent continues to be a key focus for Dallas Region employers. Learn more about the DRC’s Young Professionals (YP) program, which will help you support and grow your young leaders.