2023 Best Place for Working Parents® Dallas Initiative Recognizes Regional Employers, Importance of Family-Friendly Policies

By Michael Wood, Managing Director of Education and Workforce


Since 2021, the Dallas Regional Chamber (DRC), in partnership with PNC Bank, has presented the Best Place for Working Parents® Dallas, a local partner of the Best Place for Working Parents® national initiative, to recognize family-friendly workplaces in the Dallas Region and raise awareness of the importance of family-friendly benefits and policies for employers and workers.

Through a self-assessment, Best Place for Working Parents® allows employers to quickly determine whether their workplace qualifies for a Best Place for Working Parents® business designation by comparing their family-friendly benefits to companies of similar size and industry.

The DRC launched the 2023 Best Place for Working Parents® Dallas initiative in January. To date, more than 70 companies representing more than 25 industries have received the designation. Of those designees, 46% are micro or small businesses with fewer than 200 employees. Twenty-five percent are medium-sized companies with fewer than 1,000 employees, and the remaining 29% are large companies with more than 1,000 employees.

As the DRC sees it, there is a clear business case for employers to implement family-friendly policies in the workplace. Research conducted by the SMU Simmons School of Education & Human Development demonstrates a clear return on investment associated with the 10 policies included in the Best Place for Working Parents® self-assessment.

Parental leave, for example, has a meaningful impact on retention of first-time mothers, who are 32% less likely to quit their jobs and 19% more likely to return to the same employer if they use some form of parental leave. Flexible working environments also move the needle on retention: 70% of credentialed women who left the workforce report that they would have stayed if they had access to flexible hours. Likewise, work-from-home capabilities decrease company attrition rates by as much as 50%.

Childcare assistance benefits also deliver a positive return on investment for employers. Companies that offer onsite childcare – the most intensive of the childcare assistance benefits – experience reductions in workplace absences by 30% and turnover by 60%. An employer with 250 employees that provides access to backup childcare services can save as much as $75,000 per year in lost work time, and companies offering dependent care flexible savings accounts can save up to $382 per participating employee.

Notably, Dallas is a regional leader among the Best Place for Working Parents® national network in paternity leave, nursing benefits, childcare assistance, and backup childcare. Compared to implementation rates across the country, Dallas Region Best Place for Working Parents® designees are 18% more likely to offer paternity leave, 5% more likely to offer nursing benefits, 10% more likely to offer childcare assistance, and 13% more likely to offer back-up childcare.

The DRC encourages company executives, human resource leaders, or talent management staff to complete the Best Place for Working Parents® self-assessment on their company’s behalf. Businesses will be notified of their designation status immediately upon completion of the self-assessment.

For more information about the Best Place for Working Parents® Dallas, visit the DRC website or contact DRC Managing Director of Education & Workforce Michael Wood at mwood@dallaschamber.org.

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