Remote Learning Resources for Parents and Educators

Michael Wood, Manager, Education & Workforce

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, all Texas school districts are closed through at least April 3, leaving parents and educators scrambling to continue student learning at home.

The Dallas Regional Chamber has compiled a list of free resources for parents and educators to support students and ease the transition into remote learning.

Parents should check directly with their child’s school district for more information on remote learning provided by their teacher(s) or school.


Resources for Parents and Educators:

BrainPOP Free Access: Video-based educational content across all subjects and grades

IBM Open P-TECH: Free, cutting-edge data and technology curriculum for students and teachers

KERA At-Home Education Toolkit: Curated resources for learning, family care, and play

Khan Academy Remote Learning: Guides for utilizing Khan Academy curriculum during closures

PNC Grow Up Great: Learning materials and educator trainings to support young children

Scholastic Learn at Home: Daily multi-subject lessons to continue learning for PK-9th students

Virtual Field Trips: A collection of virtual field trips for students of all ages


Resources for Parents:

Tips for Homeschooling During School Closures: Best practices for parents new to homeschool

Talking to Children About COVID-19: Guidelines for explaining the COVID-19 situation to kids

Virtual Author Activities: Compilation of authors offering virtual read-a-longs and activities


Resources for Educators:

Webex Transitioning to Virtual Learning: Resources for converting to a virtual classroom

Teacher Advisor Instructional Guidance: Free math lesson planning from IBM for grades K-8th

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