DRC Member Spotlight: Imaginuity

Tell us about your business.

Imaginuity is a marketing services agency founded in 1997.  We started as a non-profit in south Dallas where we taught underprivileged kids how to code. We evolved into providing website development services and now, following an acquisition several years ago, offer full-funnel marketing services (Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Loyalty) under three pillars: Brand Experience, Media, and Technology.

What differentiates your company from others in your industry?

There are literally hundreds of marketing services agencies in the Dallas area offering similar services. However, there are a few things that set us apart.

First, our name. Imaginuity is a combination of Imagination and Ingenuity. Whether a direct mail piece, television campaign, or consulting engagement, we approach each with the same level of imaginative and inventive thinking.

Second, marketing is growing increasingly complex. The challenge is how to harness an endless stream of data and touchpoints to create differentiating customer experiences. We help our clients connect these dots to make sure they are getting the most out of their marketing spend.

Third, while some marketing services companies may focus on one part of the customer journey like search engine optimization or media, we cover the entire journey. Our services accompany the customer on their path from initial awareness or identification of a need, through consideration to purchase and loyalty.

How do you help companies enhance their brand?

We start by defining what makes a brand unique and meaningful. Many companies today operate in commodity environments where it is relatively easy to switch out one company for another. Driven by customer, competitor, and marketplace understanding, we help our clients enhance their brand by elevating their positioning and messaging so they can stand out and compete on outcomes rather than price.

What is digital transformation? Why should companies be on the path to digital transformation?

Digital transformation is an important, yet widely overused term. Depending on who you talk to, it can mean many different things. Relative to marketing, digital transformation is essential because it addresses fundamental changes in the way businesses need to interact with their customers.

In today’s digital age, customers have access to more information than ever before, and they expect to be able to engage with businesses through a variety of channels and devices, including social media, email, video, and mobile.

Digital transformation enables businesses to meet these rising customer expectations by identifying new or enhanced tools, technologies, processes, and staffing plans necessary to engage with customers in better ways.

How has digital marketing evolved in the past five years? How do you expect it to change in the next five years?

The proliferation of channels, tools, technologies, and approaches has significantly changed the way we plan, execute, manage, and measure marketing. Add AI to the mix and the future looks to be a wild ride indeed. However, if you start with the customer and take a data-driven approach to understand their needs, wants, and challenges, the rest of the pieces begin to fall into place.

What do you enjoy most about doing business in the Dallas Region?

The Dallas region is a great place to call home. People gravitate here from all over the country because the business environment is terrific. From FORTUNE 500 headquarters down to amazing start-ups and all types of companies in between, there is no shortage of opportunity for companies like Imaginuity. The people here are friendly, the climate is great, and as our city is also the birthplace of the frozen margarita machine, what else could you want?

Why did you decide to become a member of the DRC?

We have had a relationship with the DRC for many years. Like many companies, we cut back when COVID hit, but we clearly understand the opportunity that a relationship with the DRC and its members provides. As we were evaluating our goals for 2023, we realized that something was missing without our DRC involvement. We are thrilled to be engaged once again with the DRC and look forward to a successful year together.

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