Principal for a Day

October 3, 2024

When you were in school, didn’t you occasionally think: “If I were principal for just one day, I would … ”? Now you have that chance! Dallas ISD’s “Principal for a Day” (PFAD) project brings community leaders into schools from across the district to:

      • Increase awareness among individuals in the private sector of the strengths and challenges in Dallas ISD’s schools;
      • Demonstrate the private sector’s commitment to ensuring a quality public education for all students; and
      • Form ongoing partnerships between individuals/businesses and Dallas ISD.

Principal for a Day will be hosted throughout Dallas ISD on Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024. If you are interested in participating or have any questions about Principal for a Day, please contact the DRC Education & Workforce team or submit your contact information below.


Who Can Participate?

Business and civic leaders. Come share your knowledge with school staff while learning more about our public schools, and experience a school day in a Dallas school.

Previous participants include Texas Senator Royce West; U.S. Congressmen Pete Sessions and Marc Veasey; Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings; former Dallas Cowboys player Brandon Carr; fashion designer Anthony Mark Hankins; and television personalities Clarice Tinsley, Gloria Campos, and Rene Syler. In other cities, David Dinkins, Michael Douglas, the late John F. Kennedy Jr., Ed Koch, and former Secretary of Education Richard Riley all have participated in their regions.

How is the Principal for a Day assigned?

“Principals for a Day” are assigned to schools based on their interests and the desires the schools express. You’ll discuss interests, expectations, and the day’s agenda with the school’s actual principal to guarantee a great experience.

“Principals for a Day” are matched with an elementary, middle, or high school based on the participant’s areas of expertise, interests, and the school’s needs.

How Does It Work?

On the day of the visit, the “Principal for a Day” spends time with the principal, faculty, and students, sharing ideas and learning about the schools day-to-day operations. As a guest principal, you might:

      • Teach a class;
      • Meet with the student council;
      • Attend student performances;
      • Read to students;
      • Address a class assembly; or
      • Participate in a number of other activities.

At the end of the day, all guest principals convene with the superintendent, principals, and other business leaders to recap the day. They’ll discuss their experiences and potential commitments, and make plans for future involvement with their host school or the district.




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